Everything You Should Know About Living With Invisalign

September 1, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — horsham @ 4:49 pm

Invisalign trayInvisalign is a discreet and more comfortable alternative to traditional metal braces. Instead of having to sacrifice your professional image at your workplace by dawning cumbersome brackets and wires, you’ll be able to straighten your teeth without your coworkers ever noticing. If you’re ready to start improving your smile and oral health with this modern solution, there are some things you’ll want to know before you get your first set of trays. Adjusting to life with Invisalign is easy, especially after you read these need-to-know facts about what you can expect in the first week of wearing your trays.

Does Invisalign Impact What I Can Eat and Drink?

One great benefit that Invisalign offers that traditional braces don’t is that they’re removable. That means that you can continue enjoying all of your favorite foods and drinks without worrying about damaging your custom trays. With braces, if something gets stuck in your brackets and wires, it can be uncomfortable and difficult to dislodge. With aligners, all you need to do is take them out before you begin munching on your bucket of movie theater popcorn, and brush and floss before you put them back in. Just remember to bring your aligner case with you wherever you go so you don’t accidentally misplace or lose them!

Will My Invisalign Aligners Affect My Speech?

In the first week of wearing your Invisalign aligners, you’ll have to get used to the way they feel in your mouth. During this time, you may notice that the way you pronounce certain sounds will change. There’s nothing to worry about though, this is only temporary. Once your tongue gets used to it’s positioning in relation to your aligners, your speech will go back to normal.

How Can I Keep My Aligners Clean?

Keeping your trays clean is an absolute must so you don’t develop any oral health problems over the course of your treatment. Every time you snack on any foods or beverages, you’ll need to brush and floss your teeth before your aligners go back into your mouth. This will prevent the transfer of food particles and plaque from your oral appliance to your teeth.

You’ll also need to regularly clean your aligners. You can do this with a soft-bristled toothbrush and clear antibacterial soap. You can also soak them in a 50/50 mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide or water and vinegar. This will sanitize them and prevent any discoloration.

Will My Aligners Give Me Bad Breath?

As long as you keep up with your oral hygiene and take proper care of your aligners, they won’t cause your breath to smell. If you do notice a smell, you’ll want to tweak your oral hygiene routine or brush your teeth more often. This will help keep your mouth smelling fresh.

Your Invisalign aligners will easily incorporate into your daily life without changing your appearance. When you build healthy habits during the first week of your treatment, or the transition period, the rest of the process will be a breeze! If you have any questions about caring for your mouth and aligners, don’t hesitate to contact your cosmetic dentist.

About the Author

Dr. Gary Henkel bought his first dental practice in 1981 where he began serving patients in the Philadelphia area. He completed a two-year general dentistry residency at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital and worked with patients who were physically and mentally disabled. He also played an important role in the development of the iTero digital scanning system, which he uses for patients with Invisalign treatment. For questions or to schedule a consultation, visit Horsham Dental Elements’ website or call 215-672-6666.

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